News 17 August, 2023

RSL Vocational Qualifications Results Day 2023

Congratulations to all of the 15,000+ learners from the 500+ schools and colleges who will be receiving their RSL Vocational Qualifications results this August!

Firstly, we wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate centres on the monumental efforts taken to ensure learners were able to certificate this year and prepare them for the next stage in their journeys.

The quality processes undertaken this year have given us high confidence in the qualifications awarded and we are pleased to confirm that there has been no need to adjust learner grades at the qualification level.

Please download the Frequently Asked Questions below regarding the release of results, validation, and certification of the qualifications. These include how to access the results. Please read these carefully as they will hopefully answer any questions you may have. As an Awarding Organisation, we do not deal directly with learners or their parents/guardians. However, there is a lot of information relevant to learners here, so please feel free to refer to this link should you have queries regarding the results release.

All data has been sent to UCAS so if there are any questions about university applications, please contact UCAS directly.

We hope all learners enjoy a happy results day and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavours.

Contact Us

Before contacting us, please make sure you download and read through our Frequently Asked Questions document (above). We’re hopeful that this will answer the majority of questions you may have.

To all learners reading this: please speak to your centre directly and they will guide you through the process outlined above.

For further information, please contact our VQ Team directly:


    Digital Files

    For the RSL shop we’ve chosen the most widely used media for ease of use and flexibility when transferring across different devices.

    Every complete digital book (e.g. Electric Guitar Grade 1) includes:

    • PDF sheet music
    • MP3 audio
    • Supporting tests

    Download Limits

    We know downloading digital content can be frustrating at times which is why we’ve given you multiple chances to download your audio and sheet music.

    Each complete digital book purchased includes:

    • 5 audio downloads
    • 3 sheet music downloadsThis means if you misplace your content, or if your download times-out, you’ll still have plenty of attempts to download your content.

    Purchase Options

    1. Hard Copy

    The hard copy or paperback version can be purchased from our shop for shipping to the UK. Orders for shipping to other countries can be placed via The paperback version includes everything you need for your exam in one essential book, including sheet music, a code for access to MP3 audio and complete supporting tests.

    2. Digital Download (where applicable)

    Digital downloads is the most popular way of purchasing and downloading a Rockschool book, track or supporting test. Rockschool digital book downloads come complete with PDF sheet music, MP3 audio and supporting tests for instant accessibility on all your favourite devices.

    Note: Digital sheet music is stamped with your email address and order number.

    3. Digital Download + E-Book Access

    The RSL e-books, utilising Learning Platform technology powered by MatchMySound, are the ultimate practise tool, giving you the ability to master your instrument like never before.

    Choose which region you would like to view products for

    Our products are country specific, please select which country you would like to shop for.

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