Suggested Repertoire

PAA exams encourage creativity and do not make any compulsory recommendations for material selection. However, each performance is required to adhere to the required performance duration. Teachers and candidates are encouraged to closely consider the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria for the specific grade they are entering. Performance Arts Awards have a catalogue of repertoire and a list of performance ideas.

A Group Exam

For a Group Exam, extracts of the correct duration can be taken from an existing musical with modifications to suit cast size, age, gender and the grade you are entering your candidates for. If you are using the full score you may need to simplify things (e.g. remove some harmony lines, or perhaps transpose into a more suitable key).

If you are working from a ‘Vocal Selection’ highlights of the musical in a songbook with a script, you may need to add additional music and harmonies to recreate the feel of the original.

Below are just a few suggestions and examples of musical extracts suitable for the PAA Group Exam setting:

  • Bugsy Malone – (PAA suggests – Grades 1-3) Fat Sam’s gang scene leading into ‘Bad Guys’
  • Little Shop of Horrors –(PAA suggests – Grades 4-8) Prologue moving into opening scene with ‘Skid Row’
  • My Fair Lady – (PAA suggests – Grades 1-5) Flower market scene incorporating the song ‘Wouldn’t it be Lovely’
  • Annie – (PAA suggests – Grades 1-3) Orphanage scene incorporating ‘Maybe’ ‘Little Girls’ and ‘It’s a Hard Knock Life’
  • Oliver – (PAA suggests – Grades 1-3)
    Excerpt from opening Work House scene incorporating ‘Food Glorious Food’ and ‘Oliver!’

The Group Exam can also be in the style of a variety performance with a range of different musical numbers.

This could have a theme such as ‘The Road to Oz’ with selections of songs, dances and scenes from The Wizard of Oz, Wicked and The Wiz. A seasonal theme may help provide a wider spread of material such as ‘A Christmas Cabaret’. A theme is not required for a PAA examination, original or isolated collaborations of work is permitted
but the performance must meet the assessment criteria published in the syllabus specification.

A Show Exam

This is a unique option of assessment from PAA and would be suitable for those schools wanting to coincide their annual show with the examination performance. The Show Exam has no time limit or no maximum number of candidates and an audience is permitted for a Show Exam.

A Show Exam could be a full production of a musical such as ‘Mary Poppins’. Like The Group Performance, The Show Performance can take many forms including a cabaret show with a theme, a variety show with independent acting, singing and dancing numbers, or a selection of original work. The learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the specific qualification level must be considered.

An Original Performance – Group or Show Performance

Original work created by the teacher or learners is another option for a PAA performance, as long as a sufficient amount of acting, singing and dancing is performed by each candidate, and the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the specific qualification level is adhered to.

For further suggested repertoire, download the Musical Theatre Suggested Repertoire below.

Digital Files

For the RSL shop we’ve chosen the most widely used media for ease of use and flexibility when transferring across different devices.

Every complete digital book (e.g. Electric Guitar Grade 1) includes:

  • PDF sheet music
  • MP3 audio
  • Supporting tests

Download Limits

We know downloading digital content can be frustrating at times which is why we’ve given you multiple chances to download your audio and sheet music.

Each complete digital book purchased includes:

  • 5 audio downloads
  • 3 sheet music downloadsThis means if you misplace your content, or if your download times-out, you’ll still have plenty of attempts to download your content.

Purchase Options

1. Hard Copy

The hard copy or paperback version can be purchased from our shop for shipping to the UK. Orders for shipping to other countries can be placed via The paperback version includes everything you need for your exam in one essential book, including sheet music, a code for access to MP3 audio and complete supporting tests.

2. Digital Download (where applicable)

Digital downloads is the most popular way of purchasing and downloading a Rockschool book, track or supporting test. Rockschool digital book downloads come complete with PDF sheet music, MP3 audio and supporting tests for instant accessibility on all your favourite devices.

Note: Digital sheet music is stamped with your email address and order number.

3. Digital Download + E-Book Access

The RSL e-books, utilising Learning Platform technology powered by MatchMySound, are the ultimate practise tool, giving you the ability to master your instrument like never before.

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