At RSL we have a fast and efficient digital exams service that could be of use to your students. We cover a wide range of music and performing arts subjects that are already used by over 100,000 candidates annually.
Following communications received from music teachers using London College of Music Examinations (LCME) materials, we have become aware that there are a number of students who are currently unable to take Graded Music exams with LCME. In some cases, this has meant they are unable to gain the UCAS points awarded at Grades 6-8 and progress to their chosen higher education course.
We have extended the range of music accepted for use in our graded examinations, allowing students from other music exams boards to still achieve their qualifications!
RSL Awards can deliver graded exams in person or online. Our digital offering comprises recorded video and live-stream exams. Regardless of exam format, a student can enter for a Grade Exam/Graded Certificate or a Performance Certificate (details below). For the next three months, repertoire set for exams by other recognised boards – LCME included – will automatically be accepted as “Accredited Free Choice Pieces” at the equivalent grade. Candidates should make examiners aware of the pieces they are playing at the start of their exam or recording. This is our commitment to ensure that as many students as possible are able to gain the qualification they’ve been working so hard to achieve.
Candidates will also be able to check the suitability of any wider repertoire through the established Free Choice Piece checking process. Pieces will be assessed through examination in exactly the same way as our standard repertoire using the published assessment criteria, thereby maintaining our rigorous academic standards.
Exam Formats
- Face-to-face exams: Our traditional setting for graded music exams. A candidate will visit an exam centre and complete their exam with their allocated examiner.
- Live Stream Digital exams: These exams follow the same format as our face-to-face exams except the candidate and examiner are connected via a live stream.
- Recorded Digital exams: Candidates upload their asynchronous recorded video to be marked by our expert panel of examiners.
Types of Exam Available Using Accredited Free Choice Pieces
Recorded Digital Exams
Performance Certificate
5 Performance Pieces (5 of which may now be accredited free choice pieces using any genre)
Graded Certificate
3 Performance Pieces (3 of which may now be accredited free choice pieces using any genre)
Technical Exercises (as found in our Digital Technical Exercises lists)
Face-to-face and Live Stream Digital Exams
Performance Certificate
5 Performance Pieces (5 of which may now be accredited free choice pieces using any genre)
Grade Exam
3 Performance Pieces (3 of which may now be accredited free choice pieces using any genre)
Technical Exercises and. Unprepared Work (based on content found in RSL Awards publications)
Click here to learn more about our examination formats.
Head to the relevant page for instrument specific details and assessment criteria information via the buttons below…
For further information about RSL Awards accessible graded music exams and how your students can still achieve their next grade on their instrument, please get in touch with our team…