We want you to be as satisfied as possible with your RSL experience, but we understand that sometimes things can go wrong. If it does, we want you to be able to approach us to let us know about the problem and ensure we can help you find the quickest and best way to resolve it.
We’ll conduct all investigations in a fair and reasonable manner and ensure that all relevant information is considered without bias, considering what you tell us against the evidence we can gather from our side. We’ll deal with your enquiry as promptly as possible, politely, and confidentially. We’ll give you an explanation or an apology where we’ve got things wrong, and let you know what action we propose. Equally, where we think that we’ve followed processes correctly, we’ll explain why.
If you’re not happy with our initial response, you’ll be able to progress to further stages where the matter can be looked at again, ultimately by someone external to RSL.
We charge fees for remarks and appeals, to cover our costs in carrying out these procedures, but these are fully refundable if your enquiry or appeal is upheld. We’ll use all enquiries and appeals, whether or not they are upheld, to gather useful data to help improve our service.
Our Enquiries and Appeals policy (Graded Examinations) can be downloaded below, explaining in more detail the process that you need to go through, and the fees associated with each service offered
Exam Regulationspdf 315.3 KBExam Regulations (Welsh)pdf 337.4 KBEntry Terms and Conditionspdf 213.7 KBOnline Shop Terms and Conditionspdf 1.1 MBUK Graded Music Exams Date Change & Deferral Policypdf 128.7 KBProfessional Diplomas Terms & Conditionspdf 169.5 KBTerms & Conditions for Video Exams and Live Video Exams (Graded Exams)pdf 166.5 KBRefunds Policypdf 143.2 KBSubtitles Guidance for Recorded Video Examspdf 79.0 KBTranslation and Interpreter Guidancepdf 69.7 KB
Complaints Policypdf 236.2 KBArchiving and Benchmarkingpdf 441.5 KBCustomer Service Statementpdf 87.5 KBEqual Opportunities Policypdf 427.7 KBGraded Exams Malpractice Policypdf 123.7 KBConflicts of Interest Policypdf 262.6 KBRequirements for the Identification of Candidatespdf 150.0 KBSocial Media PolicypdfWebsites and their Usagepdf 429.7 KBWhistle Blowing Policypdf 391.8 KBReasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Policypdf 343.1 KBTranslation and Interpreter Guidancepdf 69.7 KBSanctions Policypdf 128.7 KB
RSL VQ Complaints, Enquiries & Appeals Policypdf 306.0 KBVQ Resit and Retake Policypdf 387.5 KBRSL VQ Non Standard Academic Year Guidance Policypdf 200.3 KBRSL VQ Registration and Certification Policypdf 381.5 KBRSL VQ Multi Site Centre and Satellite Site Guidancepdf 439.5 KBRSL VQ Centre Withdrawal Policypdf 274.1 KBRSL VQ Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Policypdf 243.4 KBRSL VQ Malpractice Policypdf 185.4 KBRSL VQ Recognition of Prior Learning Policypdf 332.9 KB
RSL VQ Complaints, Enquiries & Appeals Application Formdocx 86.6 KBVQ Change of Address Request Formdocx 810.3 KBRSL VQ Merger Confirmation Formdocx 807.8 KBVQ Change to Registration Confirmation Formdocx 446.3 KBVQ Certificate Replacement Application Form - Learner Applicationdocx 227.7 KBRSL VQ Retake Application Formxlsx 67.0 KBVQ Resit Formxlsx 67.3 KBRSL VQ Partial Achievement / Unit Certification Application Formdocx 446.1 KBRSL VQ Addition of a Satellite Site Application Formdocx 144.9 KBRSL VQ Application for Late Registration Formdocx 445.2 KBRSL VQ Centre Approval Withdrawal Formdocx 810.5 KBRSL VQ Legal Name Change Form – Centre Applicationdocx 442.4 KBRSL VQ Legal Name Change Form – Learner Applicationdocx 445.0 KBRSL VQ Non Standard Academic Year Guidance Formdocx 235.5 KBEvidence of Reasonable Adjustment for Vocational Qualificationsdocx 225.5 KBRSL VQ Change to Centre Name Application Formdocx 808.0 KBRSL VQ Learner Transfer Formdocx 442.3 KBRSL VQ Additional Qualifications Application Formdocx 57.9 KBRSL VQ Application for Awarding Organisation Calculated Grade (AOCG)docx 235.2 KB