Performance Tables are intended to give information on pupil achievement in Schools and Colleges in England and Wales. They allow institutions to be compared based on the success of their students when undertaking qualifications deemed by the Department for Education to be of high value.
Each qualification the Department for Education deems to adhere to the requirements set out in their technical guidance is given a value and schools are given scores based on the number of their students achieving qualifications of value.
Which RSL qualifications appear on Performance Tables?
RSL has had a number of qualifications which appear on performance tables for many years. As the Department for Education have undertaken significant reforms of what can be included on the tables RSL has moved to redesign some of its vocational qualifications to fit with the reforms whilst ensuring its qualifications remain industry relevant and practical in nature.
Technical Certificates (Level 2 Vocational Qualifications for learners aged 16+)
Tech Levels (Level 3 Qualifications for learners aged 16+)
Full syllabus Information
All specifications for our Performance Tables and Non-Performance Tables qualifications can be downloaded from the relevant qualifications page.