PAA Graded Exam Updates
Please bookmark this page to keep up to date with changes and amendments to PAA graded exam guidelines, formats and procedures. Updates will be listed in date order, with the most recent overriding any relevant previous entries.
1. Musical Theatre Recorded Digital Exams
Show Exams: we have clarified that up to 16 candidates may be included in these exams, with no more than eight shown on screen at any one time.
Technical Skills Demonstration: we have clarified the number of candidates which should perform together when singing and dance are shown for this part of the exam.
For full details see the Musical Theatre – Recorded Digital Exam Guide available here.
1. Jazz Dance Updates
We have updated the guidance to allow teachers/candidates to choose their own music for the technical exercises, and have provided a list of example tracks that could be used. In addition we are providing a full grade-by-grade list of example music tracks that may be chosen by the examiner for the improvisation section of the exam (Grades 4-8). Other revisions have been made to the dance performance requirements, to make our syllabuses even more accessible. Please see the syllabus guides for more information by clicking here…
2. Street Dance Updates
updates include revisions to the number of styles (from Grade 4), dance performance requirements, and further guidance on street dance styles that could be used within the performance (all grades). In addition we are providing a full grade-by-grade list of example music tracks that may be chosen by the examiner for the improvisation section of the exam (Grades 4-8). Please see the syllabus guides for more information by clicking here…
1. Musical Theatre Technical Updates
Page 18: Revised instructions for Grades 4 and 5 Acting Technical Skills Demonstration
Pages 26, 30, 34, 38, 42: Revised instructions for the Acting Technical Skills Demonstration
Page 58: Revised Acting Technical Skills scenarios for Grades 1–3
Page 59: Revised Acting Technical Skills scenarios for Grades 4–5
For full details see the Musical Theatre Syllabus Specification available here.