World’s First Vlogging Grades
These grades are a world-first and enable you to gain a qualification which reflects your skills and understanding in this highly popular and influential form of media communication.
Future-proof Your Skills
This syllabus caters for anyone interested in understanding the complete range of skills essential to vlogging. Creative Qualifications recognise achievements for the next generation of media professionals in order to reflect the jobs of the 21st Century.
100% Online Assessment
Creative Qualifications: Vlogging are assessed through completion of a coursework task, submitted online and assessed by our team of highly-skilled examiners. The tasks are published in the syllabus guide enabling you to plan your learning and teaching over a timescale that suits you.
Unparalleled Industry Relevance
Designed for self-study or group-study led by an instructor, the Vlogging syllabus will develop a range of skills and techniques that are highly relevant to today’s creative industries.
Unrivalled Academic Grounding
Vlogging combines unrivalled industry relevance with academic credibility, giving students a wealth of technical, stylistic and theoretical knowledge that’s second to none.
Internationally Relevant
RSL Awards qualifications are awarded in over 45 countries worldwide. Our Creative Qualifications are no different, offering a benchmarked system of progressive mastery.
How it works
Embark on your vlogging journey with our flexible and progressive mastery approach to Vlogging Qualifications. Through online coursework submission, our graded examinations assess your knowledge, skills, and understanding of vlogging. All assessments are conducted externally by RSL Examiners. Let your vlogging skills shine under expert scrutiny!

Download the syllabus and buy your exam entry
Download the Vlogging syllabus, a comprehensive resource containing all the necessary information for your Vlogging examination. Purchase your exam entry and commence your coursework preparation for the practical component.

Complete the assigned Coursework tasks
Showcase your skills and creativity in a professional scenario. Utilise your technical and presentation abilities to produce a practical piece of work. Conclude your task’s evaluation by responding to set questions, and you’re all set.

Submit your work & Receive your results promptly
You’ve done your task. Coursework can be submitted through our website and will be marked within three weeks of submission. Ready to achieve your Creative Digital qualification? Submit your work and reap the rewards!
Coursework Tasks
Learners will have the opportunity to undertake a series of practical tasks and be assessed on their foundational knowledge (the complexity and range of tasks vary depending on the chosen qualification), enabling them to showcase their understanding of media production and relevant skills at their respective grade level. These technical skills provide a solid foundation for the learner’s continued technical and creative growth.
Learners will complete a coursework task and be assessed on their foundational knowledge (the complexity and range of tasks vary depending on the chosen qualification), allowing them to demonstrate their vlogging production knowledge, skills, and understanding aligned with the grade requirements. These technical skills establish a sturdy platform for the learner’s ongoing technical and creative development.

Key Features (Level 1)
Our Level 1 (Grades Debut to 3) Vlogging grades set the stage for aspiring vloggers to embark on their exciting journey. In these initial grades, emphasis is placed on achieving steady and focused video imagery, ensuring clear audibility of sound.
By Grade 3, candidates should exhibit a fundamental understanding of lighting techniques, whether using natural or artificial sources. They will also demonstrate proficiency in starting a vlog and initiating a broadcast. Moreover, candidates will display a basic grasp of storytelling techniques, presenting their vlogs with a clear structural outline.
Voice control is another essential aspect, with candidates showcasing competent management of breathing, phrasing, and expression. Engaging interviews are expected, showcasing the ability to maintain captivating conversations with the interviewees.
Grade 2 Coursework Task Example
This is an example of a possible coursework task that could be presented at Vlogging Grade 2.

Coursework Task
Weighting: 90%
Candidates are to choose a subject and create two vlogs on it.
Vlog 1
This vlog should last approximately 2 minutes. It should be set in a studio setting (or other appropriate indoor setting). It should contain one text and image at the start and one text at the end, and feature a minimum of two transitions between any video clip or imagery.
Vlog 2
This vlog should last approximately 2 minutes. It should be set in a location of the candidate’s choice (outside of a normal studio setting). It should contain one text and image at the start and one text at the end, and feature a minimum of two transitions between any video clip or imagery.
The following subject and content should be considered as indicative to the required grade standard, and should be used as a guide and reference only:
Subject: Review of a Music Album
Content: The candidate should present 2 x 2-min vlogs, which might introduce and provide a basic, but developing, description of the album under review.
The first vlog might be shot in a studio, or appropriate indoor, setting, and could include a welcoming introduction from the candidate, an outline of the album tracks, a description of which is their favourite track, and why, and how this song contrasts with another one on the featured album.
The second vlog might be shot in an outdoor setting and might focus on a particular track on the album, describing basic musical features, or a description of the lyrical narrative. At this level, the second vlog may also be completely unrelated in content and subject to the first.
The required text and image at the start of the vlog might include a simple shot of the picture of the album cover, and the required text at the close of the vlog might indicate the name of the candidate and the date the vlog was created. The featured transitions could showcase related imagery or video clips of the relevant artist performing.
File format
The vlogs are to be exported as MP4 files at 1080p resolution.

Weighting: 10%
Candidates will answer the following questions regarding the coursework task.
What were the important skills you used to create your vlogs?
How did you make sure the audience stayed interested in your vlogs?
How did you choose the subject that you used in your vlogs?
Answers can be written or audio/video recordings of the candidate answering the questions. The total word count of all of the responses together should be a maximum of 300 words or 4 minutes of audio/video.
Key Features (Level 2)
Our Level 2 (Grade 4 and 5) Vlogging qualifications empowers aspiring vloggers with essential skills. Candidates must deliver steady, focused video imagery with clear sound. They should display good eye line, appropriate headroom, and solid camera and filming techniques. Proficiency in lighting, video editing, and presentation is expected.
Branding principles, strong presenting, and storytelling skills are emphasized. Effective communication and engaging interviews highlight the candidate’s personality and audience appeal.
This qualification cultivates vloggers who create impactful content, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.
Grade 5 Coursework Task Example
This is an example of a possible coursework task that could be presented at Vlogging Grade 5.

Coursework Task
Weighting: 90%
Candidates are to choose a subject and create two vlogs on it; they can be presented in any order. The videos should demonstrate consideration of story, plot and content or character development, as appropriate. The vlogs should share similar visual branding (e.g. fonts, artwork, logo). One of the vlogs should be based on a 12-shot sequence.
Vlog 1
This vlog should last approximately 3 minutes. It can be filmed in a studio setting or on location. The video should include a selection of the following filming elements: Rule of thirds, Framing, Repetition, Leading lines, Negative space, Colour and balancing elements. The video should feature a selection of long, medium and close-up shots, and contain text, emojis, imagery and transitions, where appropriate.
Vlog 2
This vlog should last approximately 4 to 5 minutes. It should be filmed on location, and thematically connected to the content of the first vlog. The video should include a selection of the following filming elements: Rule of thirds, Framing, Repetition, Leading lines, Negative space, Colour and balancing elements. The video should feature a selection of long, medium and close-up shots, and contain text, emojis, imagery and transitions, where appropriate.
File format
The vlogs are to be exported as MP4 files at 1080p resolution.

Weighting: 10%
Candidates will answer the following questions regarding the coursework task.
What were the important skills your used to create your vlogs?
How did you make sure the audience stayed interested in your vlogs?
How did you choose the subjects that you used in your vlogs?
Answers can be written or audio/video recordings of the candidate answering the questions. The total word count of all of the responses together should be a maximum of 450 words or 5 minutes of audio/video.
Key Features (Level 3)
Our Level 3 (Grade 6 to 8) Vlogging qualifications signifies mastery in all aspects. Impressive skills in filming, lighting, presenting, and editing shine throughout. Candidates showcase captivating studio settings and execute live vlogging seamlessly.
With solid storytelling understanding, candidates excel in structure, presenting, and interviewing. Exceptional production values, branding, and mixing enhance their vlogs.
Superb communication skills engage the audience effectively. Candidates interact effortlessly, leaving a lasting impact. This qualification crowns vloggers as masters, captivating and resonating with viewers.
Grade 8 Coursework Task Example
This is an example of a possible coursework task that could be presented at Vlogging Grade 8.

Coursework Task
Weighting: 90%
Candidates are to create a five-part vlog series within a genre of their own choosing. Candidates can choose which running order the vlogs play in. The vlogs should share similar visual branding (e.g. fonts, artwork, logo). Two of the vlogs must be streamed live and feature live interactions with family, friends, fans or followers. At least one vlog must contain an interview or feature additional characters (depending on the nature of the vlog).
Vlog Series
Each vlog should last approximately 5 minutes. Each vlog can be filmed in a studio setting or on location. The series should demonstrate consideration to story, plot and content or character development, as appropriate.
Pre-recorded Vlogs
The videos should be colour corrected, and contain establishing shots, text, emojis, imagery and transitions, where appropriate.
The videos should include a selection of the following filming elements: Rule of thirds, Framing, Repetition, Leading lines, Symmetry, Patterns, Triangles and diagonals techniques, Alternative viewpoints.
The videos should feature a selection of the following shots: Long, medium and close-up shots, Cut-ins / cutaways, Low angle, Tilt, Bird’s-eye, POV, Reverse shots.
There should be at least one use of the following: Use of two cameras / mobile devices to provide two different camera angles; ‘Video within video’ at a pertinent point; Time-lapse and slo-mo.
Live-streamed vlogs
These videos must be live-streamed to a social media channel of your choice (i.e. YouTube) and aim to promote live interaction with family, friends, fans or followers. You should aim to answer three to five questions from online attendees. This live video should include a branded intro and outro, titles, transitions and feature pre-prepared ‘VT’ video or images.
File format
The pre-recorded vlogs are to be exported as MP4 files at 1080p resolution. Candidates will supply online links to the live-streamed videos.

Weighting: 10%
Candidates will answer the following questions regarding the coursework task.
What were the important skills your used to create your vlogs?
How did you ensure the vlogs were produced with a professional approach?
How did you choose the subject for your vlog series?
What creative devices did you use to connect your vlogs?
Answers can be written or audio/video recordings of the candidate answering the questions. The total word count of all of the responses together should be a maximum of 700 words or 8 minutes of audio/video.
Assessment Methodology
The graded examinations in Vlogging are assessed via an online coursework submission. The assessment is divided into the following sections:

Part A: Coursework submission (90%)
Utilising technical and presentation skills to create a piece of practical work. This work is uploaded directly to examiners for marking through a secure portal.
Part B: Evaluation and Questioning (10%)
Evaluating what you have submitted by responding to set questions. These responses should be saved digitally and can be written, recorded audio, or recorded video and uploaded with the coursework response.
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcome You will: | Weighting | Assessment Criteria (appropriate to the grade) |
1. Create a Media Production using techniques, skills and knowledge appropriate to the level. | 90% | Demonstrate an understanding of: a) Producing a media product using: - Media production equipment - Media production techniques - Industry standard formats & protocols b) Conceptualising and developing new content c) Using appropriate communication techniques |
2. Critically evaluate a media production. | 10% | Reflect on the media production, identifying techniques used, areas of strength, and areas to improve. |
All assessment of these qualifications is external and is undertaken by RSL Examiners.
Coursework Task
Attainment Band | Distinction | Merit | Pass | Below Pass 1 | Below Pass 2 |
Mark Range | 27-30 | 22-26 | 18-21 | 8-17 | 0-7 |
Producing a Media Product | Consistently excellent use of media production techniques appropriate to the grade | Mostly good use of media production techniques appropriate to the grade | Some good media production techniques used appropriate to the grade | Rarely using appropriate media production techniques appropriate to the grade | No attempt and/or incomplete |
Conceptualising and Developing New Content | Excellent new content created for the entire work, with a response developed to the stimulus | Mostly good new content created for the majority of the work, with a response developed to the stimulus | Some new content created for the work, with a response developed to the stimulus some of the time | Some elements of new content created for the work, with a response partially developed to the stimulus | No attempt and/or incomplete |
Using Appropriate Communication Techniques | Ideas are communicated consistently well with techniques appropriate to the grade | Ideas are communicated most of the time with techniques mostly appropriate to the grade | Ideas are communicated some of the time with techniques sometimes appropriate to the grade | Ideas are rarely communicated well with few techniques appropriate to the grade | No attempt and/or incomplete |
Attainment Band | Distinction | Merit | Pass | Below Pass 1 | Below Pass 2 |
Mark Range | 9-10 | 7-8 | 6 | 3-5 | 0-2 |
Reflection on the media production | All questions are responded to with answers consistently appropriate to the grade | Mainly questions are responded to with answers mostly appropriate to the grade | Some questions are responded to with answers sometimes appropriate to the grade | Very few questions are responded to with answers that are rarely appropriate to the grade | No attempt and/or incomplete |
Grade Descriptors
Vlogging Knowledge | Grades Debut - 3 | Grades 4 - 5 | Grades 6 - 8 |
Technical & Video Quality | The video imagery should be steady, in focus any sound clearly audible. The candidate should demonstrate good eye line and appropriate headroom. At Grade 3 a basic understanding of lighting should be evident, either natural or otherwise. | The video imagery should be steady, in focus any sound clearly audible. The candidate should demonstrate good eye line and appropriate headroom. A solid understanding of camera and filming techniques should be visible, with consideration given to setting and location. A solid understanding of lighting should be evident. A solid understanding of video and editing ability and presentation techniques should be evident. | Good filming, lighting, presenting and editing skills consistent throughout the Vlogs. Good choice of studio setting and/or locations evident. Confident delivery and execution of Live Vlogging, complete with live VT, images and transitions. Good understanding of story, plot, content and (if appropriate) character development. |
Coursework Task | A basic understanding of how to start a Vlog & how to commence your first broadcast. | A good understanding of the principles of branding in relation to vlogging. A high level of presenting and storytelling skills together with clear mixing of all elements | An excellent sense of storytelling structure and plot development. Very competent presenting, narrating and interviewing techniques. Excellent production using appropriate visual and sonic branding elements, mixing and production techniques |
Communication | The presenter shows a basic understanding of story, where the candidate demonstrates a structural outline with their vlog. Some thought to voice control, with the basics of breathing, phrasing & expression well managed. Any interviews should reflect the ability to maintain an interesting conversation with the interviewee. | A high level of communication skills are demonstrated by the presenter, and these are used effectively throughout the presented vlog. Interaction with any interviewees is well managed and ensures a good level of demonstrable personality and audience interest. | Excellent communication skills are demonstrated by the presenter, and these are used effectively and convincingly throughout the presented vlog. Interaction with any interviewees is very strong, and ensures a high level of demonstrable personality and audience interest. |
Download the Vlogging syllabus for free! Here you will also find a range of resources to support your journey with RSL Awards.
Creative Digital Dates and Fees
Please see the information below for all Creative Digital dates and fees
Vlogging & Podcasting Graded Exams
Exam Grade | Price |
Entry Level 3 (Debut) | £32.00 |
Grade 1 | £37.00 |
Grade 2 | £37.00 |
Grade 3 | £37.00 |
Grade 4 | £45.00 |
Grade 5 | £45.00 |
Grade 6 | £56.00 |
Grade 7 | £56.00 |
Grade 8 | £56.00 |
*E-certificate included. Printed certificate available for an additional £3.50 per exam (certificates are only issued for Pass, Merit or Distinction results).
Please see “other fees” below relating to UK Creative Digital Graded Exams.
Enquiries about Results / Appeals
Service | Fee | Cap for Multiple Candidates | Refundable |
Remark | 50% of Exam Fee | £100 | If marks change by more than +/-5 or there is a change of assessment band |
First Level Appeal | 60% of Exam Fee | £150 | If enquiry is upheld |
Second Level Appeal | 75% of Exam Fee | £200 | If enquiry if upheld |
Replacement Certificate
Service | Fee |
Replacement Certificate | £15 |
Key Dates
You can enter for your Creative Qualifications Graded Exam or Group Performance assessment at any time.
Vlogging / Podcasting:
Assessment is completed via submission of coursework. Candidates will have 1 month from the point of purchasing an assessment in which to submit their coursework..
Group Performance:
Level 1-3 Group Performance qualifications can be assessed face-to-face or via digital submission. There are no “entry periods” for face-to-face assessments. For digital submission, candidates will have 3 months from the point of purchasing an assessment in which to submit their recorded performances.