Music Teachers 21 October, 2024

Graded Music Exam Updates

Graded Music Exam Updates

Please bookmark this page to keep up to date with changes and amendments to RSL’s graded music exam guidelines, formats and procedures. Updates will be listed in date order, with the most recent overriding any relevant previous entries.

  • At RSL, we are continuously revising our policies and procedures to ensure that we are giving the best possible service to our customers.

    We have now revised our guidance on candidates wearing headphones in their Recorded Digital Exams. Whilst candidates previously playing to a backing track only needed to supply a video of their performance while listening to the backing track on headphones, we now need to hear the backing track audio as well. This can be achieved by using a headphone splitter. This will allow a more streamlined process, and to also ensure that examiners are confident in hearing what the candidate is listening to.

    We appreciate that candidates and teachers have been following the current guidance since launch, so we are allowing a grace period until the 31st December 2024.

    Should you have any questions please contact our customer relations team.

  • At RSL, we are committed to delivering the best possible experience for our customers. To that end, we are making an important change to our examiner feedback process starting in September.

    Our recorded digital exams will feature a more streamlined examiner message. This message will introduce the examiner who assessed the performance and clearly communicate the result. Our goal is to ensure consistency and clarity in the feedback provided to candidates, no matter which examiner conducts the assessment.

    By simplifying the examiner messaging, we aim to eliminate any ambiguity that may have existed between the marksheet and the previous examiner video. This will create a level playing field for all candidates and provide a more seamless, transparent examination experience.

    We appreciate your understanding as we continue to refine our processes and procedures to better serve our customers. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer relations team.

  • The number of technical exercises needed to be performed for Electric Guitar Recorded Digital Exams has been updated.

    • Electric Guitar 2: from 13 to 9
    • Electric Guitar 3: from 24 to 10
    • Electric Guitar 4: from 68 to 12
    • Electric Guitar 5: from 50 to 10
    • Electric Guitar 6: from 81 to 11
    • Electric Guitar 7: from 91 to 10
    • Electric Guitar 8: from 81 to 14

    Please find the updated PDF guidance here or on the Recorded Digital Exams page…

  • 1. Playing a piece from another syllabus / playing a different instrument in your exam
    This guidance has been updated: see the HelpDesk articles below

    2. Discrepancies between notation and published audio

    3. Providing non-standard backing tracks (eg. for free choice pieces / adapted repertoire)
    We can now only support devices with a 3.5mm jack connection and cannot guarantee to support lighting (iPhone) and USB-C (Android) connections. See:

    4. Contacting examiners

    We have clarified that candidates should not attempt to contact examiners directly to discuss exams under any circumstances.

  • 1. General information

    Candidates entering for Rockschool and RSL Classical exams are now directed towards the Graded Music Exams helpdesk for information about exam preparation, content and procedure. All candidates are deemed to have read and understood this information.

    2. Classical Violin

    Classical violin candidates up to and including Grade 3 may use fingerboard markers in their exams. See Can I make adaptations to my instrument (eg. stickers on the frets or keys?)

    3. Adaptation and personalisation of performances

    We have clarified that repeat markings for solo pieces are optional. See Do I have to play my piece exactly as it is notated in the score?

    4. Learning platform

    Please see our new guidance about use of the Learning Platform in exams: Can I use the RSL Learning Platform in an exam?

    5. Circumstances where the examiner can stop an exam

    We have clarified circumstances where an examiner can stop an exam. See Can the examiner stop my exam?

    6. Non-standard backing tracks

    For non-standard backing tracks, for example if you are playing a Free Choice Piece or you are using an alternative backing track for an RSL grade piece, you must bring your audio on an external device which can be plugged into the exam room PA using a 3.5mm jack connection.  Please note that we cannot guarantee to support other connections such as lighting (iPhone) or USB-C (Android phones). See How will the backing tracks work in the exam?

    7. Vocals wider repertoire

    We’ve clarified that presenting a different arrangement from the one specified in your exam may mean you cannot demonstrate the outcomes required for the grade which will be reflected in the marking. See What is Vocals Wider Repertoire? and Wider Repertoire.

  • 1. Recorded digital exams

    Order of components: As well as existing guidance, we’ve clarified that candidates should not split technical exercises across the exam – ie. they should be presented as one single continuous presentation (in the order shown in the Grade Book).

    Learn more about our Recorded Digital Exams…

    2. Free choice pieces, adapted and benchmarked repertoire

    We’ve clarified (to address perceived misunderstanding / confusion) that accredited free choice pieces (eg. vocals wider repertoire or pieces taken from other current RSL syllabuses) are not considered benchmarked repertoire.

    We now accept a lead sheet as sheet music for FCPs. For a useful description of what a lead sheet is, click here…

    Learn more about Free Choice Pieces…

    3. General information

    All candidates entering exams will be provided with a PDF with our general graded music exam information.

    You can also find this available on the website here…

    All GME candidates are deemed to have read and understood this information.

    4. UCAS points

    Clarification that graded certificates carry UCAS points as well as graded exams and performance certificates.

    Learn more about UCAS Points allocation here…

    Digital Files

    For the RSL shop we’ve chosen the most widely used media for ease of use and flexibility when transferring across different devices.

    Every complete digital book (e.g. Electric Guitar Grade 1) includes:

    • PDF sheet music
    • MP3 audio
    • Supporting tests

    Download Limits

    We know downloading digital content can be frustrating at times which is why we’ve given you multiple chances to download your audio and sheet music.

    Each complete digital book purchased includes:

    • 5 audio downloads
    • 3 sheet music downloadsThis means if you misplace your content, or if your download times-out, you’ll still have plenty of attempts to download your content.

    Purchase Options

    1. Hard Copy

    The hard copy or paperback version can be purchased from our shop for shipping to the UK. Orders for shipping to other countries can be placed via The paperback version includes everything you need for your exam in one essential book, including sheet music, a code for access to MP3 audio and complete supporting tests.

    2. Digital Download (where applicable)

    Digital downloads is the most popular way of purchasing and downloading a Rockschool book, track or supporting test. Rockschool digital book downloads come complete with PDF sheet music, MP3 audio and supporting tests for instant accessibility on all your favourite devices.

    Note: Digital sheet music is stamped with your email address and order number.

    3. Digital Download + E-Book Access

    The RSL e-books, utilising Learning Platform technology powered by MatchMySound, are the ultimate practise tool, giving you the ability to master your instrument like never before.

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    Our products are country specific, please select which country you would like to shop for.

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