Graded Music Exams (GME) Examiner
GME examiners assess all instruments in the Rockschool range. GME candidates are assessed on a 1-1 basis, either in-person at a public or private centre, or remotely (for digital exam formats). GME examiners assess a combination of in-person (face-to-face), recorded digital and live stream exams.

Performing Arts Awards (PAA) Examiner
PAA examiners primarily assess musical theatre exams, plus further syllabuses in dance, acting and public speaking. Every PAA candidate is assessed individually, whether exam performances are delivered in a group or solo format (dependent on the subject). PAA examiners assess a combination of in-person (face-to face), recorded digital and live stream exams.

The following qualifications are assessed by smaller panels comprising examiners from our GME or PAA panels, therefore we do not recruit examiners to examine only the following:
- Diplomas
- Classical Exams
- Music Production
- Popular Music Theory
- Creative Qualifications (CQ)
We also do not have examiners that examine only one instrument, for example guitar-only examiners.
Any queries about the examiner role? Contact careers@rslawards.com