News 19 March, 2024

Arup Gohain Announced as new Director of RSL Awards India

RSL Awards Announce New Director of India Subsidiary Company.

Following a record year of sales in 2023, RSL Awards announce a new Director of our subsidiary company in India and new support for teachers across the sub-continent.

RSL Awards, a global provider of qualifications in the creative and performing arts, announce the promotion of Arup Gohain to Director and Country Manager. Arup will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the subsidiary company and report directly to the group CEO.

Arup has been working with RSL Awards for 11 years and has been a direct employee of the business since 2018 when the subsidiary company was formed. His knowledge of music teachers in India is unparalleled, and he has driven the support and service that RSL provides which has become a vital part of our differentiated offering.

Tim Bennett-Hart CEO RSL Awards CEO Tim Bennett-Hart said, “Teachers and students in India have embraced our approach to education, and I am very proud of the team for achieving record numbers in 2023. Promoting Arup to Country Director is a great step forward for the organisation, as he brings a focus and dedication to supporting the teachers who put their trust in us. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to outgoing Director Ritesh Khokhar for helping grow RSL in India to this successful level.


Arup Gohain RSL Awards India Director & Country ManagerNew RSL Awards Director and Country Manager, Arup Gohain, said, “I am excited to start a new chapter as Director and Country Manager. This role is a testament to the collective spirit of our team and the trust placed in us by the education community. Together, we will continue to innovate, elevate, and empower educators, fostering a brighter future for all students.

    Digital Files

    For the RSL shop we’ve chosen the most widely used media for ease of use and flexibility when transferring across different devices.

    Every complete digital book (e.g. Electric Guitar Grade 1) includes:

    • PDF sheet music
    • MP3 audio
    • Supporting tests

    Download Limits

    We know downloading digital content can be frustrating at times which is why we’ve given you multiple chances to download your audio and sheet music.

    Each complete digital book purchased includes:

    • 5 audio downloads
    • 3 sheet music downloadsThis means if you misplace your content, or if your download times-out, you’ll still have plenty of attempts to download your content.

    Purchase Options

    1. Hard Copy

    The hard copy or paperback version can be purchased from our shop for shipping to the UK. Orders for shipping to other countries can be placed via The paperback version includes everything you need for your exam in one essential book, including sheet music, a code for access to MP3 audio and complete supporting tests.

    2. Digital Download (where applicable)

    Digital downloads is the most popular way of purchasing and downloading a Rockschool book, track or supporting test. Rockschool digital book downloads come complete with PDF sheet music, MP3 audio and supporting tests for instant accessibility on all your favourite devices.

    Note: Digital sheet music is stamped with your email address and order number.

    3. Digital Download + E-Book Access

    The RSL e-books, utilising Learning Platform technology powered by MatchMySound, are the ultimate practise tool, giving you the ability to master your instrument like never before.

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