Performing Arts

Acting Exams

PAA Acting develops candidates of all ages and levels, assessing a range of communication, interpretative and technical skills through practical assessment. PAA Acting’s flexible delivery approach gives teachers complete creative freedom to compile scenes from plays or anthologies, adapted excerpts from novels, or even original scenes written by the candidates themselves. These can be performed in an exam as monologue(s), duologue(s) or scenes for three.

PAA Acting

Performance Focussed

Depending on the requirements at each grade, candidates can perform scenes from plays (all grades), anthologies and adapted excerpts from novels (Premiere – Grade 5). There’s also the option to perform original scenes written by the candidates from Grades 1 – 8.

PAA Creative

Creative Freedom

PAA encourages creativity; the performance material is chosen by the teacher or candidate(s), allowing creative freedom and the opportunity for learners to study material of particular interest to them or from their own culture.

PAA Repertoire

Teaching Support

Repertoire suggestions have been carefully compiled to provide a comprehensive and varied range of scenes/plays, as a useful starting point for teachers. We have championed authors from diverse cultural backgrounds, as well as a fair representation of gender, enabling students to feel comfortable performing or studying material which is enjoyable and relevant to them.

PAA Group

Assessment Flexibility

At all grades, candidates can enter their exam as a solo, or in twos or threes, performing monologues, duologues or scenes for three. In addition, candidates taking grades 1-8 in twos/threes, may also perform a monologue each for one of their choices.

PAA Choice

Accessible Exam Formats

There are three types of examination formats available across all grades to suit your learners needs: Face-to-Face examinations (schools / venues only), Live Video examinations (schools / venues only), Recorded Video examinations.


Regulated Qualification

All PAA graded exams are recognised and regulated by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). UCAS Points allocation are confirmed and available from May 2022. Please contact for more information.

The Exam

PAA Acting assesses a range of interpretative skills, technical skills, and knowledge and understanding through the following components.

Practical Assessment

Performance of the chosen scene(s): the number and content of which are dependent upon the grade taken – 90% of marks (100% at Premiere)

Knowledge & Understanding

Candidates present their responses to chosen questions – 10% of marks (Debut – Grade 8)

How It Works


Download the syllabus for free

Download the PAA Acting syllabus for free to see how you can incorporate these qualifications into your schedule and teaching offering.


Take advantage of innovative resources

PAA offers a range of resources to help you achieve with this syllabus. Suggested repertoire and exemplar materials give you the tools to get started today.


Book an exam day

Once you are prepped and ready, book an exam  where our PAA examiners will assess your performance. PAA qualifications are the ideal way for students and individual candidates to be awarded for their hard work.

Repertoire Suggestions and Guidance for Choosing Scenes

General Notes

PAA encourages creativity and does not make any compulsory recommendations for material selection. However, this document is designed to support teachers and learners with tips on how to select appropriate repertoire. Firstly, in the syllabus you will find the following information:

  • Each scene must adhere to the required duration for the relevant grade and the number of candidates.
  • Teachers should ensure that the content is suitable for the individual age and overall maturity of the candidate(s).
  • Scenes should be selected carefully to ensure that they provide suitable opportunity for candidates to demonstrate the relevant assessment criteria.
  • Candidates are reminded that if a chosen piece does not meet these requirements this may impact on the level of achievement possible within the examination.
  • The second scene (grades 1-8) and third scene (grades 7-8) should provide a degree of contrast in theme, character, mood, setting or style.


    – Solo candidates may choose to perform a soliloquy, or a monologue involving another character Monologues or characters. If you choose the latter, you should perform solo, directing your speech to the imagined character(s) as appropriate.
    – If a chosen monologue is a direct address to the audience, candidates may either perform the 
monologue to a wider imagined audience, or directly to the examiner/camera.
  • When choosing scenes for two or three candidates, care must be taken to ensure that each
    candidate has a similar proportion of involvement in the scene. There should also, as much as possible, be a similar balance of dialogue. However, for grades 1 to 8, the weight of dialogue between the scenes could be considered, ie, if there is less dialogue for one candidate in one scene, there should be more dialogue for that candidate in the next scene.
  • The content of the scenes must demonstrate a comparable level of technical and interpretative demand to those suggested in the PAA online catalogue of suitable material at each level, (found later within this document).
  • Use of accent/dialect: It is not a requirement to use accents/dialect, however, candidates should ensure that their vocal interpretation reflects the character/situation and the author’s style and intention.
  • Published scenes may be edited if necessary, and dialogue spoken by other characters edited out, however the overall meaning of the scene, and the author’s intention with regards to character and situation, must be maintained. Adding your own dialogue to scenes from published plays is not permitted.
  • Candidates should play only one character in each scene.

For further information on choosing scenes, understanding the context of scenes, Anthropologies of stand alone monologues/scenes, adapting scenes from a novel and more, download the Teacher Supported Repertoire Suggestions below.

Acting Grade 8 Exemplar video

The below video is designed to further support teachers and learners when preparing for a PAA Acting examination.

Marks awarded and Rationale:

The first scene from “Miss Julie” was performed with fluency and spontaneity. The maturity in style and delivery demonstrated a total understanding of subtext in the performance (Distinction). The character was fully sustained all the time, showing a clear awareness of objective in delivery (Distinction). There was a sophisticated understanding of the world of the character presented, demonstrating a comprehensible sense of place, period, and other characters (Distinction).

Your vocal skills responded to the technical demands of the text throughout, maintaining support of your voice through to the end of all phrases (Distinction). Your vocal qualities also successfully conveyed the subtleties of characterisation and mood within the scene (Distinction).

A range of facial play effectively and convincingly conveyed the subtleties of characterisation and mood almost throughout (Distinction). Physically, you sustained the physical characterisation of the character through appropriate movement, gesture, stance, and use of space.

Overall, based on this monologue alone at a Grade 8 level, this learner has been awarded a Distinction grade.

Marks awarded:

  • Learning Outcome 1: perform from memory, demonstrating an understanding of the content and meaning of the chosen material – 19 out of 20
  • Learning Outcome 2: use vocal skills in response to the material being presented – 18 out of 20
  • Learning Outcome 3: use face and body in response to the material being presented – 17 out of 20

Assessment Summary

Form of Assessment All assessments are carried out by external examiners. Candidates are required to carry out a combination of practical tasks underpinning the technical and performance assessment.
Unit Format Unit specifications contain the Title, Unit Code, Credit Level, Credit Value, Learning Outcomes, Assessment Criteria, Grade Descriptor, and types of evidence required for the unit.
Bands of Attainment There are four bands of attainment (Distinction, Merit, Pass and Unclassified) for the qualification as a whole.
Quality Assurance Quality Assurance ensures that all assessments are carried out to the same standard by objective sampling and re-assessment of candidates’ work. A team of external examiners is appointed, trained and standardised by RSL.

Assessment, Marking and Attainment Bands

All candidates, whether entering for their exam as a solo, or in twos or threes, are assessed individually by the examiner, and receive an individual mark and (on passing their exam) certificate. The examiner will award marks in line with the published assessment criteria for the relevant grade taken, full details of which can be found later in this document, within the Content Specifications for each grade.

The exams are marked out of 100. The attainment bands are as follows:

Marks Received Attainment Level
85 and above Distinction
65–84 Merit
50–64 Pass
0–49 Unclassified

Learning Outcomes

A ‘Learning Outcome’ is a statement of what has been demonstrated as a result of successful completion of the assessment criteria.
The following are the broad Learning Outcomes which apply to all graded Acting examinations, along with the relevant exam section. The Assessment Criteria, repertoire, technical challenges and knowledge requirements are set at each grade, and increase in difficulty as the grades progress:


Premiere Candidates

Learning Outcomes Exam Section
Learning Outcome 1: perform the chosen material, demonstrating an understanding of the content and meaning Performance Piece
Learning Outcome 2: use vocal skills in response to the material being presented Performance Piece
Learning Outcome 3: use face and body in response to the material being presented Performance Piece

Debut to Grade 8 Candidates

Learning Outcomes Exam Section
Learning Outcome 1: perform from memory, demonstrating an understanding of the content and meaning of the chosen material Performance Piece(s)
Learning Outcome 2: use vocal skills in response to the material being presented Performance Piece(s)
Learning Outcome 3: use face and body in response to the material being presented Performance Piece(s)
Learning Outcome 4: demonstrate an understanding of the chosen material, including content, context and role (as appropriate) and rehearsal process (Grades 5–8 only) Knowledge and Understanding

Acting Fees

Please see the information below for all Acting fees

Please note that the fee listed is per candidate. Exams can be taken as a solo, duo, or in scenes for three. The fees vary accordingly.

Grade Recorded Digital Live Stream Face-to-Face
Premiere £30 £33 £36
Debut £32 £34 £37
Grade 1 £37 £40 £42
Grade 2 £38 £41 £43
Grade 3 £38 £41 £44
Grade 4 £45 £50 £54
Grade 5 £49 £54 £58
Grade 6 £57 £62 £66
Grade 7 £66 £72 £79
Grade 8 £78 £84 £91
Grade Recorded Digital Live Stream Face-to-Face
Premiere £26 £29 £32
Debut £27 £30 £34
Grade 1 £34 £36 £39
Grade 2 £34 £36 £39
Grade 3 £35 £37 £40
Grade 4 £42 £45 £49
Grade 5 £44 £47 £51
Grade 6 £51 £57 £61
Grade 7 £61 £65 £71
Grade 8 £70 £76 £82
Grade Recorded Digital Live Stream Face-to-Face
Premiere £24 £25 £27
Debut £24 £26 £29
Grade 1 £29 £32 £35
Grade 2 £30 £34 £36
Grade 3 £32 £35 £37
Grade 4 £38 £40 £43
Grade 5 £39 £42 £45
Grade 6 £44 £49 £53
Grade 7 £53 £58 £63
Grade 8 £62 £66 £72

Please see “other fees” below relating to UK PAA Graded Exams.

Late Entry, Date Changes & Deferrals

Service Applicable When... Fee
Date Change Changing exam date/time after appointment slip has been issued £30
Deferral Deferring exam to future exam period £30

Please see the UK Graded Exams Date Change & Deferral policy for circumstances where the fee can be waived.

Enquiries about Results / Appeals

Service Fee Cap for Multiple Candidates Refundable
Remark 50% of Exam Fee £100 If marks change by more than +/-5 or there is a change of assessment band
First Level Appeal 60% of Exam Fee £150 If enquiry is upheld
Second Level Appeal 75% of Exam Fee £200 If enquiry if upheld

Replacement Certificate

Service Fee
Replacement Certificate £15

Key dates

PAA examinations are open all year round and can be scheduled to fit with your existing programme.

Need more information?

Please visit our PAA FAQ page to find some useful information to help you get started.

Book your PAA exam!

PAA examinations are open all year round and can be scheduled to fit with your existing programme.


Digital Files

For the RSL shop we’ve chosen the most widely used media for ease of use and flexibility when transferring across different devices.

Every complete digital book (e.g. Electric Guitar Grade 1) includes:

  • PDF sheet music
  • MP3 audio
  • Supporting tests

Download Limits

We know downloading digital content can be frustrating at times which is why we’ve given you multiple chances to download your audio and sheet music.

Each complete digital book purchased includes:

  • 5 audio downloads
  • 3 sheet music downloadsThis means if you misplace your content, or if your download times-out, you’ll still have plenty of attempts to download your content.

Purchase Options

1. Hard Copy

The hard copy or paperback version can be purchased from our shop for shipping to the UK. Orders for shipping to other countries can be placed via The paperback version includes everything you need for your exam in one essential book, including sheet music, a code for access to MP3 audio and complete supporting tests.

2. Digital Download (where applicable)

Digital downloads is the most popular way of purchasing and downloading a Rockschool book, track or supporting test. Rockschool digital book downloads come complete with PDF sheet music, MP3 audio and supporting tests for instant accessibility on all your favourite devices.

Note: Digital sheet music is stamped with your email address and order number.

3. Digital Download + E-Book Access

The RSL e-books, utilising Learning Platform technology powered by MatchMySound, are the ultimate practise tool, giving you the ability to master your instrument like never before.

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